Summer Nymph — довольно редкая нимфа эпического качества. К моему большому сожалению, развивать и прокачивать эту нимфу крайне сложно.
Причиной тому является тот факт, что Summer Nymph можно получить только в ходе довольно редких еженедельных событий. В отличии от тех же Shadow и Thunder, она никогда не выпадает из вскрытых горгулий, сундуков и т.д. Только эвенты, только хардкор. Лишь изредка её можно встретить в качестве награды за ежедневные задания алхимика (alchemist).
Имеет высокие показатели мощности и выносливости. По профессии Summer Nymph относится к классу относится к Harvester, а потому имеет повышенную скорость сбора ресурсов со зданий.
Чат с Summer Nymph
Разработчики периодически меняют формулировку вопросов, однако правильные ответы оставляют правильными, поэтому, если вы не нашли вопроса — ориентируйтесь по ответам.
Вот список правильных ответов на вопросы в чате с Summer Nymph:
1. Вопрос: Im a bit bored staying at home all the time. Can we go somewhere for the weekend?
Ответ: Let’s fly somewhere. To our tropical island. Turtles, coral reefs, and tropical fish. White sand. You and me.
2. Вопрос: I wanted to wear something nice for you today, but i looked into my closet and there wasn’t anything you didn’t see me in already!
Ответ: And look at what i have here for you. A pair of tights with a seam and a pinkish corset dress made of Japanese silk. Perfect for you curvy shapes.
3. Вопрос: Look, look, i baked a brownie! Wouldn’t it be fun to eat a piece or two so you can lick the crumbles off my b….ies?
Ответ: Oh, that’s an interesting idea. What if some crumbles made their way into your panties as well?
4. Вопрос: I see you brought something with you! What do you have there in the white box? Is it something to eat? Is it something to wear? Something to drink?
Ответ: I saw them and thought about you — handmade chocolate muffins with cherries on top! Hmm?
5. Вопрос: How do you like my new hair color?
Ответ: Hmm, I’m not very good at noticing changes, but I believe all shades of pink suit you perfectly.
6. Вопрос: I wish we could do something naughty tonight instead of going to this formal Thunder party.
Ответ: I bet we can sneak out to the kitchen for a while. Your face on a table. Food all around. Me F…..g you from behind. You don’t even have to undress. Hmm?
7. Вопрос: There’s nothing better than a cold drink after a long day on the beach. Do you know what i have in mind?
Ответ: A creamy, sweet Malibu with ice cubes? Seems like the only good choice for such a sweet girl like you.
8. Вопрос: What do you remember from our first time?
Ответ: I remember how eager you were to play with the blue ice cream stick. Your hungry ass liked it. And, of course, your loud moans when i f….you.
9. Вопрос: When we played on a beach yesterday, sand scraped my bum. It’s not easy for me to sit or lie on my back today.
Ответ: Don’t worry. Let me put a healing lotion on that booty and kiss it. We’re lucky you like it from behind, so i can still make you squirt. If you’re in the mood…
10. Вопрос: I feel like dancing today. Can you pick the music?
Ответ: Music, dancing, and your curvy bum — let’s play something from the 50s and 60s. I want to see you spin!
11. Вопрос: I’m hungry! Any ideas for dinner?
Ответ: I don’t know about dinner, but i have emergency chocolate bars for such occasions. While chocolate or milk with walnuts?
12. Вопрос: Ah, i have a favor to ask! Can you rub my back with SPF oil? I’m dying to go sumbathing.
Ответ: Sure i can. And lower your panties. I will take care of that curvy bum of yours as well.
13. Вопрос: I’ve heard other nymphs saying that it’s not good to eat too much… I can’t stop thinking about it.
Ответ: Oh, baby, you don’t eat too much. You have a great appetite for fodd, but also for s..x, so, everything is in a perfect balance. You need energy.
14. Вопрос: What will we do tonight?
Ответ: I want to cover you with a whipped cream and chocolate and slowly lick it off, till you p…..y get all wet. And then i will stretch your….
15. Вопрос: I don’t like windy, dark evenings, especially durring winter. What to do when it’s so cold and unpleasant outside?
Ответ: I feel you, girl. I bet a fireplace, a nice blanket, and some hot cocoa would make such evenings way nicer. And my company under the blanketm maybe?