Kitsune Nymph — или лисичка — довольно редкая нимфа эпического качества. Имеет высокие показатели мощности и выносливости. В отличии от других нимф с эпической редкостью, Kitsune Nymph добывается и прокачивается исключительно через эвенты.
По профессии Kitsune Nymph относится к классу относится к Harvester, а потому имеет повышенную скорость сбора ресурсов со зданий.
Как получить Kitsune Nymph shell
Увы, но основной способ добычи Kitsune Nymph shell — это участие в событиях. Событий с ней много, и практически в каждом из них мы получаем предмет, выдающий 1 shell раз в 24 часа.
Такие предметы порой так же продаются во внутриигровом магазине за реальные деньги. Неполный список таких предметов:
Open Bar — раз в 24 часа даёт Happy Boozers tray, которая спустя 30 минут с неплохим шансом превращается в Kitsune Nymph shell;
Green Hight-hat — иногда попадается в магазине, плюс её можно получить за участие в событии в честь дня святого Патрика (в марте). Генерирует 1 shell раз в 48 часов.
Так же Kitsune Nymph изредка появляется среди ежедневных заданий алхимика.
Чат с Kitsune Nymph
Разработчики периодически меняют формулировку вопросов, однако правильные ответы оставляют правильными, поэтому, если вы не нашли вопроса — ориентируйтесь по ответам.
Вот список правильных ответов на вопросы в чате с Kitsune Nymph:
1. Вопрос: I saw that Shadow has a big motorbike. Thunder and Falcon have jumped with a parachute. Maybe I should try something too to get an adrenaline kick…
Ответ: Some search for adrenaline and some are created for a more calmer life. O don’t think you should force yourself to anything. Stay who you are, I like it.
2. Вопрос: I’d like to try something new in bed. Any ideas?
Ответ: We could do some shopping to get you some new toys, what do you think? And i thought about drawing orders from a big jar of wishies…
3. Вопрос: I’m worried that I don’t fulfill all your needs and kinks.
Ответ: No way! You’re great and I have a soft spot for your triple tail. Holding it in one hand and the leash in the other I feel I could fuck you all night.
4. Вопрос: What’s better in your opinion, to give or to receve?
Ответ: Both. I like to give you pleasure, but at the same time i like to receive it from you. It’s like with gifts — should go both ways.
5. Вопрос: The weather isn’t very nice today, the air is so gloomy and damp. Can’t force myself to go outside. It’s so cozy in here.
Ответ: There’s no need to go out. Everything we need is here. I can brush your fur and then you can thank me…with your tongue…
6. Вопрос: What should I wear for our weekend trip?
Ответ: I think one of your sexy skirts would be great. And no panties. I like to ask you to bend and pick up things for me, when you wear that outfit.
7. Вопрос: I’d like to read something while you’re not here. But I lack new books. Maybe you could recommend me something interesting?
Ответ: Erotic novels would be best for that time! You can think of me while you’re reading, so you’ll be all wet and ready when i visit you again…
8. Вопрос: If you get an in freeuse gift card from me, so you can get whatever you want, what would it be?
Ответ: I’d like you to bend over and let me lick your sweet pussy, like the other day. After listening to your wild moans i’d take you hard from behind.
9. Вопрос: Let’s play some music. What should I turn on?
Ответ: Something cheerful and happy would be nice. It suits your vibe and what we do here.
10. Вопрос: I did some yoga with Lake yesterday, and now my back and butt are in pain. I’m npt really into sports, I guess.
Ответ: That’s a great occasion to give you one of my famous massages! If you let me rub you, all aches go away. It can be our regular thing!
11. Вопрос: That was something — feeling your foot between my tights under the table last nihgt. I barely kept it quiet when you made me cum. I was so shocked.
Ответ: I saw you were having a lot of fun and tried to behave neutrally. You did so good. I was proud of you. It’s great to make you such unexpected gifts…
12. Вопрос: I’ve been horny all day thinking of you and touching myself. Maybe you could help me a bit…
Ответ: It’s damn hot when you’re so straight forwart about it… Here, come closer and let me ease your tension with my fingers. Spread your legs for me.
13. Вопрос: I really love those holiday cookies for the upcoming party, but i feel like i’m getting bigger and bigger… Oh, am I too big already?
Ответ: Don’t even think about that! Your curves are beautiful! I like that you enjoy pleasuring yourself in life. You do that also in bed…which is hot!
14. Вопрос: I’m not sure how to decorate my room for the upcoming party…
Ответ: A lot of bows would reflect your personality. They can be green and red and in different sizes.
15. Вопрос: When i look at other nymphs’ clothes, I think I should get rid of my fur to wear those thin, transparent stockings. I’ve heard you like them…
Ответ: Oh, I do like that type of stockings, but I also do like your furry body! You are unique. I enjoy your fur very much. You’re so soft and curvy…