Star Nymph — или звёздная нимфа — одна из двух легендарных нимф, представленных в игре. Как легендарка, она имеет наивысшие показатели мощности и выносливости. В отличии от второй легендарной нимфы (alchemist), развивать и прокачивать Star nymph куда проще, так как она выпадает из многих предметов.
По профессии Star Nymph относится к классу относится к Harvester, а потому имеет повышенную скорость сбора ресурсов со зданий. Тем не менее, благодаря своей легендарной редкости, она вполне может соревноваться по эффективности с нимфами других классов.
Как получить Star Nymph shell
Star Nymph shell можно купить в магазине за рубины — но это пустая трата валюты.
С низким шансом можно получить в награду за прохождение двух финальных уровней: City of damned и Assault on golem base.
Некоторые прокачанные на максимум здания разово выдают пачку разных nymph shell, среди которых часто появляется и Star.
Помимо этого, её так можно получить из следующих предметов:
Wild camp mini fridge (награда за событие)
Platinum Gargoyle, Gold Gargoyle, Silver Gargoyle (именно их стоит выкупать за рубины при наличии скидки)
Чат с Star Nymph
Разработчики периодически меняют формулировку вопросов, однако правильные ответы оставляют правильными, поэтому, если вы не нашли вопроса — ориентируйтесь по ответам.
Вот список правильных ответов на вопросы в чате с Star Nymph:
1. Вопрос: Every once in while, I lose track of time when watching other stars on the sky…So far, yet so close to me. Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll lose myself there too.
Ответ: Don’t be afraid. I’m always here to bring you back yo reality with a few spanks and bites!
2. Вопрос: When I’m with you, I feel so powerless, yet so horny. I love ut when you take control over me.
Ответ: Find a blindfold and the handcufs. On your Knees and bend. I want to see your naughty pussy calling me to feed her with my cock.
3. Вопрос: What’s on your mind right now, Master?
Ответ: It’s you. I can’t wait for our next session and how I’ll tie you up with this new rope.
4. Вопрос: Did you have fun at Carnival’s New Year’s party?
Ответ: I liked it, but I lived how great you looked in that dress. And the night got even better when I look it off.
5. Вопрос: I love falling asleep with you by my side. It feels easier to bid the night sky goodbye when you’re here.
Ответ: Cuddling with you is one of my favourite things to do. Besides fucking you, of course.
6. Вопрос: I feel like refreshing my wardrobe. Could you help me pick something to buy, Lord?
Ответ: Look at this one — frills, a cute apron and net bra. You can expand your maid suits collection, not to mention how great you body looks in it.
7. Вопрос: I’d like to go for a walk tonight. Would you like yo join me?
Ответ: Definitely! Darkness, the stars over you heads and your hot body in amy arms.
8. Вопрос: What’s your favorite sex experience with me?
Ответ: Hmm, tough choice. Fucking you blindfolded from behind… The blowjob you gave me in that threesome — I liked them all…
9. Вопрос: Have you ever had a dream about me?
Ответ: Several days ago, yeah. And when I woke up I wished I could dream it again.
10. Вопрос: I’m worried that my introvert nature makes me look like a party-pooper.
Ответ: Don’t worry about that. You quiet and mysterious nature makes me horny, and that’s the most important thing!
11. Вопрос: I had a dream about our next date. Can you guess how it will be, Lord?
Ответ: Night time, blanket and candles under a full moon and the sky full of stars. We’d have a picnic watching falling stars and making love.
12. Вопрос: I feel hungry. Don’t you feel like eating something, Master?
Ответ: Hmm, maybe you’d like yo lick something sweet with you little, ping tongue, what do you say? It could grow us both an appetite.
13. Вопрос: I,ve heard you play with Shadow and Volcanic a lot. Is there something wrong with me? Am I boring you?
Ответ: There’s nothing wrong, honey. During days like these you’re all I need. You gloomy eyes, horny look and hungry pink tongue make me want you so bad.
14. Вопрос: Would you do me a favour and describe your wildest fantasy with me?
Ответ: Having you wrapped in shibari, with clips on your nipples and my cock deep in your mouth. I’m slowly putting my hand inside your pussy, deeper and deeper…till you squirt.
15. Вопрос: Threesome — yay or nay?
Ответ: All the way! Every time we do it, it,s amazing! My little naughty Star Maids…
16. Вопрос: I had a dream about you last night. Can you guess what it was?
Ответ: Empty room, you were hanging from the celling. I was fingering your @….sss and biting your clit? My face wet from your juices.
17. Вопрос: How about a drink night?
Ответ: Sounds nice. Somethink milky and strong for my little sub?
18. Вопрос: What are we gonna do tonight?
Ответ: We could stroll around for a bit and have dinner in the garden on the cliff. Very picturesque place. Great view of the sky and forests. So far away from everything. Nobody can bother us there…
19. Вопрос: Last few days were hard… I really need to relax this weekend.
Ответ: Let’s ride far away into the wild. Observing night sky is so relaxing. You can count all the stars and I’ll lick your p**sy and make you forget about all troubles.
20. Вопрос: What are three ingrediens for the perfect evening?
Ответ: A glass of wine, you and a second nymph to play with.
21. Вопрос: Do you remember our first meeting?
Ответ: Yes, I remember the shy look gave me. And these small sparkles in your eyes. In that moment I knew we’d be great together.
22. Вопрос: If you could get anything you wanted, what would it be?
Ответ: A spaceship. I’d take you with me for a magnificent space trip. To explore unuverses and see stars. And fuck a lot.
23. Вопрос: Look what I got from Spider — a long soft thread. Do you think we could do something interesting with it?
Ответ: That’s great. We can make new ropes with it. Just to keep a spare set in my trunk.
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