Drow Nymph — или тёмная эльфийка — нимфа с эпической редкостью. Имеет высокие показатели мощности и выносливости. Добывать и развивать Drow Nymph довольно таки сложно — получить её можно только в ходе различных событий. Предметы, пассивно генерирующие Drow nymph shell довольно редки.
По профессии Drow Nymph относится к классу относится к Fighter, а потому имеет повышенную скорость атаки против големов и вражеских построек.
Как получить Drow Nymph shell
Получить Drow Nymph shell можно только в ходе специальных событий. Platinum Gargoyle, Gold Gargoyle, Silver Gargoyle никогда не содержат в себе «дроу».
Крайне редко, но всё же появляется в качестве награды за ежедневное задание алхимика.
Чат с Drow Nymph
Разработчики периодически меняют формулировку вопросов, однако правильные ответы оставляют правильными, поэтому, если вы не нашли вопроса — ориентируйтесь по ответам.
Вот список правильных ответов на вопросы в чате с Drow Nymph:
1. Вопрос: I want you now! Quick! Tell me what to do!
Ответ: Lay down on your back. Quick! Spread your legs and let me look at you. You naughty girl like to be exposed like that, don’t you? Don’t touch yourself!
2. Вопрос: What would you say about a movie night?
Ответ: Sure, I love popcorn. Something scary? I love good horrors.
3. Вопрос: It was a long day. I’d like to play some music. Any suggestions?
Ответ: Something heavy, like organs, violine and bass guitar. I like strong, darker vibes.
4. Вопрос: I know it might surprise you, but sometimes I feel lonely when you’re not here.
Ответ: I know you’re strong, but also sensitive. It’s a nice mix. That’s why i like you.
5. Вопрос: Let’s say that we were ‘hypothetically’ to go out for a drink, where would you like to go?
Ответ: I have a better idea. We could stay in — you, me and a bottle of something strong…
6. Вопрос: What do you think about going somewhere for a weekend?
Ответ: Yes! Canyoning and offroad? I miss adrenaline spikes lately.
7. Вопрос: I’m starving. Do you wanna eat something?
Ответ: Something meaty? We could do a casual BBQ outside your chamber. I can do pretty good steaks.
8. Вопрос: What do you think of my place? Just be honest.
Ответ: I don’t really care about the environment. When I’m with you it’s hard to focus on anything else.
9. Вопрос: Outdoor sex: yes or no?
Ответ: Sure, it’s always fun if they can catch us having fun…
10. Вопрос: I wanted to ask you for quite some time. What do you think about my outfits?
Ответ: Unusual… but somehow this combination is really hot. Lingerie and mantles.
11. Вопрос: I dreamed about you last night. Can you guess what was it about?
Ответ: We were together on an aeroplane, I was piloting over some wild mountains and you’re giving me the deepest blowjob ever.
12. Вопрос: I’ve been horny all day thinking of you… Maybe you do something about it?
Ответ: Oh, you waited for me all day? That had to be a struggle. Let me take you to the edge and beyond.
13. Вопрос: I expect Shadow’s birthday party to be quite an event. A lot of nymphs will be there.
Ответ: I have a plan for you and me. A quick blo…b behind the bar. Can you imagine all the tension?
14. Вопрос: Wanted to take you for a walk, but it’s a little chilly today, isn’t it?
Ответ: We can go cuddle and it will be warmer. Nothing can stop us!
15. Вопрос: Let’s do something new in bed. Any ideas?
Ответ: We could draw unconventional, dangerous spots to have sex! Have you ever fucked during bungee jumping or nearby a dragon’s cave?