Frost nymph — или морозная нимфа — одна из стартовых, первых фей в Merge Nymphs. Одна из четырёх нимф, имеющих самые низкие показатели, как в плане мощности, так и выносливости.
По профессии Frost nymph относится к классу Worker, а потому имеет повышенную скорость работы с предметами и постройки зданий.
Как получить Frost nymph shell
Frost nymph shell можно купить в магазине за стандартную игровую валюту — золото.
Можно получить в награду за прохождение следующих уровней: Flea land, Two Bridges, Golem Junkyard, Shattered mine, Collapsed bridge, Abandoned library, Golem stronghold, Three treasuries, .
Frost nymph часто выдают в подарок за ежедневный вход в игру.
Помимо этого, её так можно получить из следующих предметов:
Чат с Frost nymph
Разработчики периодически меняют формулировку вопросов, однако правильные ответы оставляют правильными, поэтому, если вы не нашли вопроса — ориентируйтесь по ответам.
Вот список правильных ответов на вопросы в чате с Frost nymph:
1. Вопрос: What’s your favourite outdoor activity?
Ответ: I like playing tag. When I finally catch you, you’re so hot and panting. And at the right time of the year a good snowball fight would be nice!
2. Вопрос: I want you right now and right here. Tell me what to do.
Ответ: I want you to sit on me. I like it when you’re on top and I can see the blush in your cheeks and your tits swinging in front of my eyes.
3. Вопрос: Sometimes i wish i could be more bold and decisive like Shadow. She’s so strong all the time.
Ответ: Sometimes we wish to be like somebody else, but our original self is unique and best. I like your personality
4. Вопрос: I’m thinking about redesigning my room. Maybe a bit more simplicity like in Star’s bedroom? I’m not sure, but i need a change…
Ответ: I think your room suits you — all those furry and laced pillows. Maybe just a colour refresh? A bit of pink to break the white and blue?
5. Вопрос: Things are getting a bit predictable, don’t you think? I wish we could get creative this evening…
Ответ: Let’s have a hot jacuzzi bath with cold champpagne and strawberries. Bubble foam, your legs around my waist, your hot tongue in my mouth…
6. Вопрос: I’d like to cut off from the reality for the weekend. Where should we go?
Ответ: I see us together by the ocean. Sunbeds, frozen drinks and a lot of lotion to protect your delicate skin. A proper vacation time! No regular activities.
7. Вопрос: If you could pick, what would you like me to wear for you tonight?
Ответ: I’d pick silk — it feels great combined with the touch of your skin. And one of those sexy stockings of yours.
8. Вопрос: Where’d you like to eat a dinner tonight?
Ответ: Don’t know about you, but i saw a frozen-yogurt place on my way here. Can’t stop thinking about it. Would you join me?
9. Вопрос: I saw you looking at Volcanic’s suit during the party last night. Would you like me to wear something like that?
Ответ: Naaah, those stockings and transparent dresses of yours — I realy enjoy them. The soft, slippery toch of silk and nylon…And…I have a boner.
10. Вопрос: Recently I thought about adopting a per. Can’t decide to anything particular though. Any advice?
Ответ: A cat suits you. White and fluffy like your pillows. You could name it Snowflake.
11. Вопрос: Last time after ice-skating you were really naughty in the changing room…
Ответ: Your pussy tasted so good. Did you like what i did? Next time i can take you from behind. We just have to keep it quiet behind those lockers.
12. Вопрос: If you could get whatever you want, what would it be?
Ответ: A dinner for 2 at the Snowman restaurant in Finland. I’ve heard they have great food and furniture made of ice!
13. Вопрос: Imagine an ice cube. Any ideas what we can do with it?
Ответ: I would put you in a hot bath and use the ice-cube on your skin. I bet your tits would explode with pleasure — cold ice and my hot tongue.
14. Вопрос: I bought something special for our date! Do you dare to guess?
Ответ: Guessing guessing… A new pair of crotchless tights? Maybe with this sexy seam on the back?
15. Вопрос: Do you like getting flowers? It’s been a long time since anybody gave me one.
Ответ: I’ve never got one, to be honest. But you know what? I know one cute snowy numph, who should close her eyes and stretch her hands out…