Forest Nymph — или лесная нимфа — одна из стартовых, первых фей в игре. Это из четырёх нимф, имеющих самые низкие показатели, как в плане мощности, так и выносливости.
По профессии Forest Nymph относится к классу Fighter, а потому имеет повышенную скорость атаки, но крайне низкую скорость сбора/постройки/обработки.
Как получить Forest Nymph shell
Forest Nymph shell можно купить в магазине за стандартную игровую валюту — золото.
Со средним шансом можно получить в награду за прохождение следующих уровней: Peaceful Meadow, Key Island, Wasteland, Sealed Vault, Crossroads, Ent Wood, Lonely Floe, Uviversity Yard, Forgotten Town, Rainwater Tower, Icy Mines.
Помимо этого, её так можно получить из следующих предметов:
Чат с Forest Nymph
Разработчики периодически меняют формулировку вопросов, однако правильные ответы оставляют правильными, поэтому, если вы не нашли вопроса — ориентируйтесь по ответам.
Вот список правильных ответов на вопросы в чате с Forest Nymph:
1. Вопрос: Can you help me pick some new accessories? I Just can’t decide what to choose…
Ответ: I bet these ankle-bracelets would fit your style perfectly. And can you believe it’s carved wood? Looks very stylish.
2. Вопрос: Would you fancy playing something with me?
Ответ: I feel fast and lucky today, so let’s play catch!
3. Вопрос: Anything new you would like to try with me? I feel like spicing things up…
Ответ: Do you remember our a..al play with that di…do? What do you think of using my…
4. Вопрос: What did you think when we first met?
Ответ: A desire to feel your wild lips on mine, to hold your round booty in my hands and to impress you with my shibari skills.
5. Вопрос: I’m in mood for a salad. What do you think is the best one?
Ответ: How about adding some fruits? Berries with a bit of citrusy vibe would hit a tasty bullseye.
6. Вопрос: Sometimes when I’m alone, I dream of you and I touch myself…
Ответ: I bet every guy wants to hear that from a girl…But don’t forget to spice it up sometimes and put a d…do in your sweet…a…
7. Вопрос: I’m in the mood for something thrilling during the weekend. Any ideas?
Ответ: Discovering cursed forests at the edge of our world.
8. Вопрос: When you want to relax, what do you feel like listening to?
Ответ: Crickets’chirping and rustling trees. Like a calm night in the forest.
9. Вопрос: Let’s watch a movie tonight. What would you prefer?
Ответ: I saw an interesting video on Porn Hut. It was called ‘Unusual Artistic Bondage Poses’. Would you be interested?
10. Вопрос: I feel the need for some more outdoor activities. Wanna do something together?
Ответ: We could organize a small archery shooting. I bet this time i can beat you!
11. Вопрос: I noticed you were little down lately. Can i make you feel better?
Ответ: Actually yes, a full body massage is something I’d die for.
12. Вопрос: How does outdoor sex sound to you?
Ответ: You know very well how mych i like f*cking you outside.
13. Вопрос: I’m getting bored with this interior. I need a change. Can you help me pick something new?
Ответ: It’s a bit dark in here, but the colours suit your nature. Maybee add some warm light in the corners and several green fluffy pillows on the bed? Fluffiness wikk give a different vibe, while the colours remain yours.
14. Вопрос: Let’s grab a drink tonight! What should it be?
Ответ: Knowing you it will be something fruity, wild and strong? Vodka with wild fruit juice?
15. Вопрос: Tell me, boy, do you like running?
Ответ: Only when I hear your breath behind my back because I know it’s a prelude to something else…